P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 6028

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 6028. License—Without examination

During the term of six (6) months [following] the approval of the bylaws of the Board, the persons who on the date of approval of this measure are able to present evidence that they have engaged actively and consecutively as roof waterproofing, coating and repair contractors for a term of not less than three (3) years, and who meet the requirements provided in this chapter, may apply for a license to the Board without having to pass an examination. The Board shall only certify those contractors who are registered in the Department of Consumer Affairs, and against whom no complaints have been filed in said agency.

They shall, however, meet all other requirements established by law and those required by the Board. Said application shall be accompanied by an internal revenue voucher worth forty dollars ($40) as payment for the application and license certificate. The Board shall approve its bylaws in a term not to exceed six (6) months [following] the effectiveness of this act.

History —Sept. 1, 2000, No. 281, § 10; Jan. 5, 2006, No. 5, § 1.