(a) The Board shall comply with the provisions of §§ 2101 et seq. of Title 3, known as the “Uniform Administrative Procedure Act”, in the exercise of the powers granted thereto by this chapter, to regulate, investigate, and adjudicate any matters under its jurisdiction.
(b) Authorize the practice of the diagnostic imaging and treatment radiologic technologist profession in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and its specialties and establish the necessary mechanisms for the license, recertification of these professionals every three (3) years, pursuant to the local laws in effect.
(c) Recognize diagnostic imaging and treatment radiologic technology schools and programs accredited by the Council on Higher Education or any corresponding accrediting agency.
(d) Issue, deny, suspend, duplicate, recertify, or revoke licenses or specialty certificates for the reasons consigned in this chapter.
(e) Render judgments by a majority on any matter within its purview submitted for its consideration.
(f) Take oaths, hear testimonies and receive evidence on the matters within its purview.
(g) Issue summons requiring the appearance of witnesses and the presentation of data and reports deemed necessary by the Board. If a summons issued by the Board is not complied with, the Board may resort to any Part of the Court of First Instance of Puerto Rico and request the court to order compliance therewith. The Court of First Instance shall have authority to issue orders making compulsory the appearance of witnesses and the presentation of any document previously requested by the Board. The Court of First Instance shall have the power to punish, under penalty of contempt, noncompliance with said orders.
(h) To receive advice from the Office of the Secretary of Justice of Puerto Rico on any matter of legal nature and in judicial actions it shall be represented by said official or his/her representatives in the courts and bodies in which its appearance or representation is required and by those civil procedures necessary to enforce the provisions of the Board.
(i) Keep an up-to-date register of all issued licenses and specialty certificates, in which shall be consigned the complete name and personal data of the professional to whom the license is so issued, date of issuance, number and term of effectiveness of the license, as well as any comment on the margin corresponding to recertified, suspended, revoked or cancelled licenses.
(j) Establish by regulations the requirements and procedures for the recertification of diagnostic imaging and treatment radiologic technologists, required by §§ 3001 et seq. of Title 24.
(k) Evaluate and approve continuing education courses and programs for diagnostic imaging and treatment radiologic technologists.
(l) Evaluate the continuing education evidencing examination submitted by diagnostic imaging and treatment radiologic technologists for their recertification as such.
(m) Address and resolve any claims arising for violations of the provisions of this chapter and the regulations adopted hereunder.
(n) Hold administrative hearings, resolve controversies in matters under its jurisdiction, issue orders pursuant to its resolutions and agreements, issue summons requiring the appearance of witnesses or interested parties, require the presentation of documentary evidence, take statements or oaths, and receive proof submitted in any matter under its purview.
(o) Request from the Secretary of Justice to promote those civil and criminal procedures that are necessary to enforce the provisions of this chapter.
(p) Evaluate all applications for licenses, specialty certificates and recertifications submitted before the Board.
(q) May delegate to the Secretary of Health of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico the functions of the Board or its members, in those cases where the public service is affected or for any reason in which a decision-making of the Board results impossible or inappropriate, due to conflicts of interest, lack of constitution of the Board or other similar special causes.
(r) Evaluate all applications for licenses, specialty certificates and recertifications submitted before the Board.
(s) Prepare and administer the examinations required by this chapter for the granting of licenses; the examinations shall be offered at least twice (2) every year. The call for the same shall be made by publication in a newspaper of general circulation, at least forty-five (45) days before the examination date.
(t) Shall publish notices in the media, such as orientation, to the public on calls for examinations and public hearings for the approval of regulations.
(u) Request and have the power to contract professional and advisory personnel through the Department of Health, as it deems it necessary.
(v) Certify and regulate, through regulations, those new areas or modalities that arise or that are not regulated within the diagnostic imaging and treatment radiologic technology field on the approval of this act.
History —Apr. 12, 2006, No. 76, § 12, eff. 90 days after Apr. 12, 2006.