P.R. Laws tit. 20, § 3354

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§ 3354. Board—Term of Appointments

The term of the appointment of the members of the Board and the duration of their office shall be of two (2) members for (1) year, two (2) members for two (2) years, and three (3) members for three (3) years or until their successors take office. Vacancies shall be filled by extended appointments for the remainder of the term of the member causing the vacancy. The Governor may discharge any member of the Board from his/her office for immoral conduct, negligence, incompetence, or inefficiency in the performance of his/her duties, noncompliance with his/her obligations, inappropriate behavior in the office held by him/her, for any conviction due to a felony or misdemeanor, or for having his/her license cancelled or suspended, or any other just cause, upon previous notice and hearing. None of the members of the Board shall be appointed for more than two (2) consecutive terms.

History —Apr. 12, 2006, No. 76, § 5, eff. 90 days after Apr. 12, 2006.