(a) The Program to be developed and implemented by the Authority shall:
(1) Establish guidelines for the collection, transportation, storage, separation, processing, reduction and recycling of the materials mentioned in § 1320e of this title, throughout the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
(2) Establish mechanisms to guarantee that within 60 months after the approval of this act not less than 35% of the solid waste generated in Puerto Rico shall be processed through the reduction and recycling method.
(3) Promote the establishment of facilities for the collection, processing, and marketing of recyclable material, through the development of adequate infrastructure and the strengthening of the market for recycled material.
(4) Provide technical assistance and financial advice to municipalities on the development of activities related to this chapter.
(5) Establish separation, reduction, reuse and recycling projects and adopt the measures that are needed to reduce the volume of solid waste that is deposited in the landfills of Puerto Rico.
(6) Develop an educational campaign to promote the participation of all sectors in reduction, reuse and recycling activities. Coordinate with the Department of Education, the municipalities, Commonwealth agencies and private enterprise to inform the public about the need for and benefits of the Program. The campaign shall be implemented through seminars, public service notices, written material and similar activities.
(7) Promote the development and expansion of markets for recyclable and recycled material and develop alternate markets.
(8) Encourage the participation of the private sector in the construction and operation of reduction and recycling installations.
(9) Establish procedures and requirements which guarantee the development of municipal syndicates for the effective implementation of the Program.
(10) Offer technical assistance to municipalities for the drafting and implementation of the Recycling Plan and in the determination of alternate locations for the disposal of waste that is forbidden to be disposed of in landfills.
(11) Develop demonstration projects in different geographic areas of Puerto Rico prior to the full implementation of this chapter, to determine the levels of participation of the population, the cost-effectiveness of the methods employed, the limitations and possible difficulties, and to gather information that is relevant to the adequate implementation of the Program.
(12) It is hereby prohibited for any company engaged in recycling or that acquires, sells or cedes recycled materials or materials to be recycled in Puerto Rico, to sign or execute exclusivity contracts, in order to promote free competition, thus benefiting consumers.
(b) The Authority shall draft the Program no later than 6 months after the approval of this act; Provided, That the same shall be revised at least every 3 years. The Program shall begin with the implementation of demonstration projects.
(c) The Authority shall hold public hearings to draft the regulations required for the implementation of the Program; Provided, That said regulations shall be completed and duly-approved no later than 6 months after the approval of this act.
(d) The Authority shall prepare an annual report to the Governor and the Legislature on the achievements and limitations of the Program; Provided, That the first report shall be based on the experience of the demonstration programs. Said report shall be completed on or before 22 months from the approval of this act.
(e) The second report shall be finished no later than 42 months after the approval of this act; Provided, That the same, as well as those prepared in subsequent years, shall include at least:
(1) An analysis of the volume of waste generated and the way in which it was processed and disposed of during the last year. Said analysis shall include a projection of solid waste generation for the next 20 years, projection which shall be revised annually.
(2) An evaluation of the development and implementation of recycling programs and projects.
(3) An evaluation of the achievements of the Program in light of the established recycling goals.
(4) Recommendations concerning current and potential programs to promote reduction and recycling in the municipalities and Commonwealth agencies.
(5) An evaluation of the market for recycled material and the achievements of the municipalities, Commonwealth agencies, and the private sector in their endeavor to strengthen said market.
(6) Recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature to improve the implementation of the Program and achieve the goals established in this chapter.
(f) The Recycling Program developed by the Authority as required by this section shall be an integral part of the public policy of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico on solid non-harmful waste management and control.
History —Sept. 18, 1992, No. 70, § 9; Jan. 20, 1995, No. 13, § 7; Jan. 18, 2006, No. 8, § 1.