Chapter 127. Solid Waste Authority
- § 1301. Short title
- § 1302. Creation; Governing Board, appointment and term of office
- § 1303. Executive Director, duties; Assistant Director
- § 1304. Definitions
- § 1305. Powers
- § 1306. Coordination
- § 1307. Officials and employees
- § 1308. Funds and accounts; accounting system
- § 1309. Acquisition of property by Commonwealth; reimbursement
- § 1310. Transfer of funds and property
- § 1310a. Delivery of solid waste; delegation on municipalities
- § 1311. Construction and purchase contracts; bidding procedures
- § 1312. Bonds—Issuance; contents of contract
- § 1313. Bonds—Commonwealth shall not be liable
- § 1314. Bonds—Remedies of bondholders
- § 1315. Reports
- § 1316. Bonds—Legal investments
- § 1317. Exemption from taxes, fees and duties
- § 1318. Declaration of public utility
- § 1318a. Repealed. Act July 27, 2011, No. 159, § 8, effective July 27, 2011
- § 1319. Injunction