Chapter 15. Forest Act of Puerto Rico
- § 191. Short title
- § 192. Forest policy
- § 193. Public lands for Commonwealth Forests
- § 194. Forest Service
- § 195. Personnel of Forest Service
- § 196. Secretary of Natural and Environmental Resources—Duties and powers
- § 197. Forest Development Special Fund
- § 198. Unlawful acts in Commonwealth Forests
- § 199. Unlawful acts outside of Commonwealth Forests
- § 200. Auxiliary Commonwealth Forest
- § 201. Forest employment
- § 202. Refuges
- § 203. Forest and hunting wardens
- § 203a. Administrative fines, orders of the Secretary, and aid of jurisdiction
- § 203b. Administrative hearings
- § 203c. Reconsideration and judicial review
- § 204. Penalties