The Secretary is hereby authorized to request and obtain assistance or contributions in cash, goods or services of the Government of the United States, the federated states, the Government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico or any of its agencies, public corporations or political subdivisions, municipalities and nonprofit institutions, for the purposes of their Department.
The Secretary and the Department shall be the official and agency designated to administer any federal program related to the functions entrusted to the Department by this Reorganization Plan. In this capacity, the Secretary shall negotiate and transact any covenants or agreements that are needed to execute the negotiations for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico to receive all federal funds and benefits to carry out said programs, as well as between government bodies of the federated states, and the federal government, duly authorized therefor, with regard to the exchange of information, studies and research related to the programs that are carried out, provided said covenants or agreements are within the framework of his/her functions and the laws of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.