None of the provisions of this Plan shall modify, alter or invalidate any agreement, pact, claim or contract that the officials or employees responsible for the bodies or programs that through this Plan are attached to the Department, have granted and are in force when the same takes effect. Any claim filed by or against said officials or employees, that is pending resolution when this Plan becomes effective shall subsist until its final outcome.
All regulations that govern the operation of the bodies or programs that are reorganized under this Plan or that are in force when this Plan takes effect, shall continue in effect until they are altered, modified, amended, repealed or substituted.
All regular career employees of the agencies affected by this Plan are guaranteed their jobs, rights, privileges and respective status with regard to any pension, retirement, saving and loans fund system of which they had availed themselves upon the effectiveness of this Plan.
Any act or part thereof in effect and which is in contravention to the provisions of this Reorganization Plan, is hereby repealed.