P.R. Laws tit. 33, § 4719

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§ 4719. Application of the measures

When the person accused of a crime is found to be not guilty by reason of mental disability or temporary mental disorder, or his/her non-liability in such sense is established, the court shall maintain jurisdiction over the person and shall rule his/her commitment to an institution suitable for his/her treatment, if in the exercise of its discretion it determines, pursuant to the evidence submitted, that such a person is dangerous and poses a risk to society or that he/she shall benefit from said treatment.

In the case of ordering institutionalization, it shall be for the time required for the safety of society and the well-being of the person, subject to the provisions set forth in § 4720 of this title. In all cases, it shall be the duty of the persons in charge of the treatment to send quarterly reports to the court regarding the progress of the case.

History —June 18, 2004, No. 149, § 91, eff. May 1, 2005.