Subchapter II. Rights of Usufructuary
- § 1511. Fruits; treasures
- § 1512. Ungathered fruits; expenses
- § 1513. Rent paid by lessee
- § 1514. Civil fruits
- § 1515. Right to collect rent, allowance, interest or dividends
- § 1516. Proceeds of mines and quarries
- § 1517. Proceeds of mines in legal usufructs
- § 1518. Ownership of minerals
- § 1519. Right to accession, servitudes, and benefits
- § 1520. Lease or alienation of usufruct
- § 1521. Liability for deterioration
- § 1522. Use of consumable property
- § 1523. Use of dead trunks on plantations
- § 1524. Trees or shrubs destroyed by storm, etc
- § 1525. Woodland; nurseries
- § 1526. Usufructuary of action to recover property
- § 1527. Improvements
- § 1528. Damages set off with improvements; alienation of property subject to usufruct
- § 1529. Usufructuary of part of thing held in common