Guardianship of the drug-addict shall correspond, in the first instance to the persons listed in § 709 of this title.
Whenever two (2) or more persons appear as guardians, the court shall designate one of them on the basis of the welfare of the incompetent person.
If none of the corresponding persons are available or are willing to accept guardianship, the appointment shall be made from the Register of Volunteer Guardians, who shall be supervised and managed by the Department of the Family. Said register shall contain the names of private persons and public servants who wish to and are authorized to perform the duties of a guardian.
As an additional requirement, the persons mentioned in the above paragraph, shall be required to be twenty-one years (21) of age or older, and shall not be linked directly with the institution rendering treatment, the physician or professional therapist, or with any person related to the guardian up to a fourth degree of consanguinity or second of affinity, who in turn has done business with any of the institutions, whether public or private, who provide rehabilitation treatment for the person under guardianship, whether by contract or the rendering of services.
History —Civil Code, 1930, added as § 193F on Jan. 11, 1998, No. 29, § 2.