The search or inspection warrant shall be carried out and returned served within ten (10) days following the date it is issued. The official shall give the person whose property is seized or who is in possession thereof, a copy of the warrant and a receipt for the property seized or shall leave said copy and receipt in the place where he seized the property. The serving shall include a written inventory of the property seized made in the presence of the person who requested the warrant, and of the person at whose house or place the property was seized, if said persons were present; if any one of these persons were not present it shall be done in the presence of a trustworthy person. The inventory shall be sworn by the person serving it. By petition of the person who requested the search or inspection, or of the person whose property was seized, the judge shall hand them a copy of the inventory.
History —June 19, 1987, No. 33, p. 105, § 1.