In construing this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings stated below:
(a) Beer and other malt beverages. — Means any beverage made by the alcoholic fermentation of an infusion in potable water of malt, or of barley or its derivatives, or of any other substitute, with or without the addition of other cereals, prepared or not, of other carbohydrates or products derived therefrom, of carbonic acid or other substances suitable for human consumption.
(b) Beer concentrate. — Means the product obtained, either in liquid form or as emulsion, paste or lamina, grain or powder, from any industrial process used in any stage of the manufacture of beer for removing a part or the total of the amount of water normally contained in beer.
(c) Reconstituted beer. — Means the product resulting from the addition of any proportion of water, or carbon dioxide or other substances, or from the addition of all of them to the beer concentrate in such manner as to increase its physical volume, diminishing or increasing the alcoholic content of the beer concentrate and making it fit for human consumption.
(d) To reconstitute beer. — Means to produce reconstituted beer.
(e) Person. — Means any natural or [juridical] person, including partnerships, firms, associations and corporations, by whatever name known.
History —June 29, 1964, No. 120, p. 383, § 1.