Chapter 303. Act to Regulate Money Transfer Businesses
- §§ 2551–2569. Repealed. Act Sept. 21, 2010, No. 136, § 6.4, eff. 60 days after Sept. 21, 2010
- § 2552. Powers of the Commissioner [Repealed]
- § 2553. Licensing requirement [Repealed]
- § 2554. Excluded entities [Repealed]
- § 2555. Requirements to obtain a license [Repealed]
- § 2556. Applications [Repealed]
- § 2557. Fees, statements and bond [Repealed]
- § 2558. Investigation to issue license [Repealed]
- § 2559. Continuity of the bond and other requirements [Repealed]
- § 2560. Annual license [Repealed]
- § 2561. Change in control [Repealed]
- § 2562. Waiver of license [Repealed]
- § 2563. Agents [Repealed]
- § 2564. Responsibilities of the concessionaire and the agent [Repealed]
- § 2565. Revocation or suspension of licenses [Repealed]
- § 2566. Existing contracts [Repealed]
- § 2567. Inspections [Repealed]
- § 2568. Corrective orders [Repealed]
- § 2569. Fines and penalties [Repealed]