When a voter is challenged on the grounds of age, either a positive certification issued by the Vital Statistics Registry, or by any similar or analogous registry in the United States of America or any foreign country, shall be attached to the challenge petition form stating the age of such person, or a “Negative Certification” issued by the Vital Statistics Registry, or any similar or analogous registry in the United States of America or any foreign country, stating that the name of the applicant does not appear in the Vital Statistics Registry of the municipality or place where said person swore in his/her application for registration that he/she was born. The person whose exclusion is sought on these grounds may, at the hearing held by the Chair of the local commission, file a contest of affidavit to prove that he/she is the age he/she swore to be in his/her registration application, and submit the appropriate “Positive Certification” from such registry, which states the municipality or place where the challenged voter’s birth was registered, his/her date of birth, the names of his/her parents, and any other general data.
The Chair of the local commission shall not order the cancellation of the registration of such person as a voter if such person was born, according to his/her registration application, before July 31, 1931, or when the challenged voter, to maintain the legality of his/her voter registration application, produces before the Chair of the local commission a Positive Certification from the Civil Registry or Vital Statistics Registry, or any similar or analogous registry of the United States of America or a foreign country, or his/her certificate of baptism, attesting to such person’s compliance with the age requirement in order to vote.
The Vital Statistics Registrars and the Secretary of Health, or their representatives, shall issue the certificates requested for election-related purposes free of charge, pursuant to the provisions of this subtitle. The issuance of said certificates at the request of the Election Commissioners or the members of the Permanent Registration Boards is hereby authorized, and the Secretary of Health or his/her representative is hereby directed to address such application with priority within a term not to exceed ten (10) days.
History —June 1, 2011, No. 78, § 6.019.