P.R. Laws tit. 16, § 971s

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 971s. Reports

The Commonwealth Elections Commission, by means of regulations to such effects, shall provide for matters pertaining to the reports on the raising of funds.

(a) Any person or group of persons that is not attached to any political party, group, organization or entity that participates in favor of or against any of the proposals in the referendum who receives contributions or incurs independent expenses over five hundred dollars ($500) for the campaign in favor of or against one of the proposals shall register at the Commission within three (3) days following the date of having organized as a group or the date on which the contribution was received or the expense in excess of the amount herein provided was incurred. The Commission shall provide the procedures to register such groups or persons by regulation.

(b) All broadcasting media that sell time or space, or otherwise render services related to the referendum provided in this chapter to any natural or juridical person, organization, group or political party, shall be bound to render monthly reports under oath before the Commonwealth Elections Commission, as of the date of approval of this act up to June, 2005, and a final report which spans from July 1 to July 10, 2005. Such reports shall be rendered using the official forms adopted by the Commission by means of regulations. In the reports, the media shall state the purpose of the expense, the cost of the time and space sold and the services they rendered. The reports shall include as attachments photocopies of the contracts pertaining to the time and space sold and the services described in the reports.

(c) If a broadcasting medium does not sell time or space or render services to a natural or juridical person, organization, group or political party during any of the periods stated in this section, it shall render a negative report under oath before the Commonwealth Elections Commission using the form adopted by the Commission by means of regulations.

(d) The reports required under this Section shall be submitted not later than the fifth day of the month following the month covered by the report being rendered. If a report is sent by mail, the date on the official cancellation shall be considered as the date it was rendered.

History —Sept. 23, 2004, No. 477, § 23.