P.R. Laws tit. 16, § 971c

2019-02-20 00:00:00+00
§ 971c. Provisions—Application

Act No. 4 of December 20, 1977, known as the “Puerto Rico Electoral Act”, and the regulations approved by virtue thereof, unless they are incompatible with the provisions of this chapter or the regulations adopted hereunder, shall be deemed as supplemental to this chapter and its provisions shall apply to all procedures related to holding the Referendum, in all matters necessary, pertinent and compatible with the purposes of this chapter and for which no other system has been provided. The Commonwealth Elections Commission shall have the authority to adopt the regulations or resolutions necessary to carry out said procedure and to comply with the purposes of this chapter in an efficient and impartial manner. Moreover, the established local electoral entities shall carry out the functions proper to their responsibilities according to the special characteristics of this Referendum.

History —Sept. 23, 2004, No. 477, § 5.