The purpose of the Bank is to promote the general welfare of the community by the proper canalization of the resources of cooperative enterprises and their members, in addition to other resources the institution may raise, in order to meet the credit requirements of the cooperative organizations, their members, and the community in general; to facilitate the creation of new cooperatives and other enterprises; and to expand and improve those already existing.
To attain these purposes, the Bank shall pay particular attention to the following activities:
(a) To encourage and facilitate regular saving on the part of cooperative members and other persons.
(b) To solicit the financial resources of cooperative organizations in order to canalize same for their own benefit and for the benefit of cooperative members and the community in general.
(c) To help meet the personal and mortgage credit requirements of cooperative members and other persons.
(d) To help finance housing, educational, cultural, and other programs that may be developed by cooperatives and other organizations.
(e) To contribute toward stepping up our economic development through the granting of credit, particularly intermediate and long-term credit, to cooperative and noncooperative production, service, and distribution enterprises operating in Puerto Rico, and through investment in securities issued by such enterprises.
(f) To develop, on its own account or in collaboration with other public and private entities, cooperative and other educational programs aimed at encouraging among the citizenry a wise and far-seeing handling of their finances.
(g) To orient its activities and services so that they will redound in the strengthening of the cooperative enterprises and their central bodies.
History —June 21, 1966, No. 88, p. 257, § 2.