The public policy of the Government of Puerto Rico seeks to uphold and guarantee the rights of children and the respect of their dignity. By so providing, we hereby take into account the variable degree of vulnerability to which children are subject during their process of development and socialization, until they attain full legal standing, and the State’s responsibility to provide the means and resources needed to safeguard their interests and advance their welfare.
All measures concerning children as well as all interventions of the State involving the powers and authority germane to patria potestas or guardianship, shall have as their guiding principle the protection of the family as an institution, and the best interests and welfare of children, taking into consideration the degree of development of their capabilities, and free from any discrimination motivated by origin, race, color, birth[sic], political or religious beliefs, disabilities, sex, socio-economic or cultural status of the children or for any other personal consideration. The State recognizes that the parents or guardians are primarily responsible for the control, supervision and guidance of their children.
History —Sept. 1, 2000, No. 289, § 2.