At less than twenty-five (25) meters from the limits of the right of way of the highway there shall not be constructed or reconstructed any building, stockyard, fence, railing, sewer, or structure that reaches to the highway from the contiguous property, nor shall there be established dams, fixtures or channels for the intake and conveyance of water without the corresponding permit from the Department. Nor shall it be permitted to construct reservoirs, wells or troughs at distances of less than twenty-five (25) meters from the exterior of bridges and sewers and from the borders of the highway, nor to make trial pits, exploit quarries or make excavations for any other purpose at less than forty (40) meters from the limits of the easement of the highway.
History —May 30, 1973, No. 54, p. 135, § 5-01, eff. 30 days after May 30, 1973.