P.R. Laws tit. 15, § 567a
(a) Former champion, definition. — For the purposes of this section, the term “former champion” means all professional boxers born in Puerto Rico, as recognized by the world boxing organizations and by the Puerto Rico Professional Boxing Commission of the Sports and Recreation Department of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
(b) Former world boxing champions life annuity. — A life annuity in the amount of six hundred dollars ($600) per month is hereby established for all former world boxing champions who meet the requirements established in this section.
(c) Requirements to avail of the life annuity. — All retired former boxing champions may avail themselves of the life annuity established in subsection (b) of this section, provided that:
(1) As a consequence of boxing or of an unforeseen event, he suffers a physical or mental health condition that does not allow him to generate income, and is thus certified by a physician authorized to practice medicine in the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
(2) Evidence is provided that he does not have sufficient means to support himself.
(3) The Puerto Rico Professional Boxing Commission of the Sports and Recreation Department recommends and authorizes the issue of said pension.
(d) Regulations. — The Sports and Recreation Department shall establish through regulations, the conditions and parameters by which every application for the life annuity authorized by this section shall be evaluated. Provided, That any life annuity approved and granted may be revoked by the Sports and Recreation Department for just cause and upon compliance with the requirements of due process of law established in the “Uniform Administrative Procedures Act of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico”, §§ 2101 et seq. of Title 3. Without it being understood as a limitation, just cause shall be understood to be that the recipient should become able to support him/herself, or should receive or obtain financial resources that allow him/her to support him/herself or if convicted for a felony or any other crime that involves moral turpitude.
(e) Duties of the Sports and Recreation Department. —
(1) The Secretary of Sports and Recreation shall provide a list of those potential beneficiaries of this pension to the Office of the Management and Budget. Once this has been done, the funds needed to comply with the provisions of this section shall be consigned in the Budget of the Sports and Recreation Department.
(2) The Secretary of Sports and Recreation shall pay the sum provided in subsection (b) of this section each month to the former champions who have applied for the life annuity and have met the conditions and requirements established in the same, provided the funds have been consigned in the Budget of the Sports and Recreation Department by the Office of the Management and Budget.
History —Sept. 14, 2004, No. 271, §§ 2—5; Nov. 9, 2007, No. 167, § 2; Aug. 10, 2008, No. 245, §§ 1, 2.