In the handling of all petitions for a license to operate a private educational institution, the Secretary of Education shall proceed with the same in the briefest time possible and shall adjudicate the petition no later than ninety (90) calendar days from the date of the filing thereof with all the documents and requirements established by law and the regulations. If the Secretary does not act within the ninety (90) -day term, it shall be understood that the license has been granted to the petitioning institution, thus authorizing it to begin its operations according to the educational plan that was submitted.
The ninety (90) -day term established in the preceding paragraph shall only be interrupted by just cause therefor and if the Secretary of Education has duly notified the petitioning institution of it.
History —May 10, 1976, No. 31, p. 78, added as § II-6 on June 30, 1988, No. 49, p. 220, § 2.