For the purposes of this chapter, the following terms shall have the meanings stated below:
(1) Administration.— The Child Support Administration created by §§ 501 et seq. of this title.
(2) Administrator.— The Administrator of the Child Support Administration.
(3) Obligor.— Each person of legal age who composes the obligor’s party.
(4) Obligee.— Any person sixty (60) years of age or over, who is entitled to receive support from his/her adult descendants pursuant to the Civil Code of Puerto Rico.
(5) Indebted obligor.— Any natural person who is bound by law to provide financial support to an elderly obligee, and is in arrears in the payment for an amount equal to one (1) month or more, or who has the obligation to provide a non-financial contribution and has incurred an equivalent non compliance that endangers the health, and the physical, mental, familia[l] and social well-being of the obligee.
(6) Support.— Refers to all that is indispensable for support, housing, clothing, and medical assistance, according to the social position of the family. For the effects of this definition, the financial and non-financial contributions that comprise all that is necessary for the physical, mental, familia[l], and social welfare of the elderly obligee protected by this chapter, shall be included.
(7) Non-financial contribution.— Refers to the care, company, and services, among others, that cannot be accounted for and are taken into account at the moment of establishing or modifying the support for the elderly. These may be included as an optional form of payment, and as part of the order for support.
(8) Mediation center.— Forum established in the Administration to execute the mediation procedure.
(9) Department.— The Department of the Family of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
(10) Debt.— The total amount of support for the elderly due and not paid.
(11) Workday.— Day in which the agencies or offices of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico are open to provide regular services.
(12) Income.— Comprises any earning, benefit, profit, revenue or proceed derived from salaries, wages or compensation for personal services, including remuneration received for services rendered as an official or employee of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, of any state of the government of the United States of America, or of any agency or instrumentality of any of the abovementioned entities, in any form of payment; or of professions, trades, industries, businesses, commerce, or sales; or from property ventures, whether real or personal, that arise from the possession or use of the interest in said property; as well as those derived from interest, revenue, dividends, partnership benefits, securities, or the operation of any business operated for profit or gain; and earnings, profits, yields, funds, emoluments or compensation derived from any source, including remuneration as an independent contractor, unemployment compensation, disability compensation, retirement and pension benefits; or any other payment received by any obligor from any natural or juridical person.
(13) Mediation.— Non-adjudicative intervention process in which a mediator helps elderly persons and their adult descendants in conflict, to reach an agreement that is mutually acceptable in terms of support. In the mediation, the parties have the power to decide whether they submit to the process or not.
(14) Mediator.— Impartial person who explores all possible options and expedites the reaching of an agreement between the parties that is acceptable and beneficial for the elderly person and for the obligors.
(15) Leveling.— Is the right of one or several descendants of obligors of an elderly person to request a proportional division of the liability or obligation to support be prorated among all obligors according to their means.
(16) Order of support for the elderly.— Any agreement, determination, resolution, order, mandate or judgment to fix, modify or execute the payment of support issued pursuant to the regulations or through the administrative mediation procedure established pursuant to this chapter or by a competent court.
(17) Legal obligor.— Person or persons who, pursuant to law, is/are bound to provide support for the elderly. For the purposes of this definition, obligor is understood to be: an adult descendant, adult obligor, descendant obligors, and descendant.
(18) Support contribution.— Financial or non-financial contribution of the adult obligors for the support of elderly persons.
(19) Elderly person.— Any person sixty (60) years of age or over.
(20) Deputy advocate.— Attorney appointed pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, to represent the Support for the Elderly Program in the rendering of the elderly support services under this chapter.
(21) Program.— The Support [for] the Elderly Program
(22) Secretary.— Means the Secretary of the Department of the Family of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
(23) Deputy Administrator of the Support for the Elderly Program.— Person appointed by the Administrator, with the consent of the Secretary, who is in charge of directing the Support for the Elderly Program.
(24) Support.— Financial and non-financial contributions that comprise everything that is needed for the physical, mental, domestic and social well-being of the elderly.
(25) Court.— Any of the sections of the Court of First Instance of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
History —Aug. 12, 2000, No. 168, § 2; Aug. 17, 2002, No. 193, § 2.