(a) Every restraining order must specifically set forth the orders issued by the court, the remedies ordered and its term of effectiveness.
(b) Every restraining order must set forth the date and hour that it was issued and specifically serve the parties that any violation of the same shall constitute a misdemeanor which could result in a term of imprisonment, a fine, or both penalties, as provided in § 346h of this title.
(c) Any ex parte restraining order must include the date and hour in which it was issued and must indicate the date, time and place that the hearing will be held for the extension or annulment of the same and state the reasons for which it was necessary to issue said order ex parte.
(d) Every restraining order issued by a court shall be set forth on a form designed by the Office of the Courts Administration.
History —July 12, 1986, No. 121, p. 389, added as § 6.6 on Jan. 6, 1998, No. 9, § 2, eff. 60 days after Jan. 6, 1998.