P.R. Laws tit. 8, § 1
Social service and assistance to persons of families who are unable to provide themselves with the essentials of a decent livelihood is a basic responsibility of government. The fulfillment of such responsibility will be fully assured when all the resources of government for such purposes are so coordinated and administered that the multiplicity of agencies and the inequalities and duplication of services are eliminated.
In order to provide a public welfare program for Puerto Rico that will eliminate duplication and inequalities and that will further the most effective use of existing funds and of funds made available in the future by the Government of Puerto Rico or, through supplementation, by the federal government, for public assistance to needy persons or families and for the protection and care of children, it is necessary to centralize under a single agency the administration of such services and assistance, and any other similar services.
The purpose of §§ 1–26 of this title is to place the administration of all forms of public aid and all social services under the Division of Public Welfare hereby created in the Commonwealth Department of the Family.
History —May 12, 1943, No. 95, p. 236, § 1, eff. 90 days after May 12, 1943.