Current through 2024 Ky. Acts ch.225
Section 40.350 - Kentucky Wounded or Disabled Veterans Program - Powers and duties - Components of program - Data-sharing agreements - Confidentiality of veterans' personal information - Administrative regulations - Authority to accept and expend moneys(1)(a) The Kentucky Wounded or Disabled Veterans Program is hereby created in the Kentucky Department of Veterans' Affairs and shall be attached to the Office of the Commissioner for administrative purposes.(b) The program shall assist wounded or disabled veterans who served in the United States Armed Forces and were discharged under conditions other than dishonorable. The program shall: 1. Ease the transition from active service for these wounded or disabled veterans; and2. Ensure that these wounded or disabled veterans receive the federal, state, and private benefits to which they are entitled as wounded or disabled veterans.(c) The commissioner shall designate a wounded or disabled veterans coordinator for the Commonwealth.(2) The Kentucky Wounded or Disabled Veterans Program shall:(a) Perform outreach to improve wounded or disabled veterans' awareness of eligibility for federal, state, and private wounded or disabled veterans' services and benefits;(b) Assess the needs of wounded or disabled veterans with respect to benefits and services;(c) Review programs, research projects, and other initiatives that are or may be:1. Designed to address or meet the needs of Kentucky's wounded or disabled veterans; or2. Unresponsive or insensitive to the needs of these wounded or disabled veterans;(d) Recommend changes, revisions, and new initiatives to the commissioner to:1. Address deficiencies identified through the review established in paragraph (c) of this subsection; and2. Improve benefits and services; and(e) Incorporate wounded or disabled veterans' issues in strategic planning concerning benefits and services.(3) The primary components of the program shall be:(a) Advocacy and Public Awareness. The program shall advocate for wounded or disabled veterans and shall work to increase public awareness about the needs of wounded or disabled veterans. The program shall advocate legislation and policies on the local, state, and national levels to address these issues;(b) Collaboration. The program shall collaborate with federal, state, and private agencies that provide services to wounded or disabled veterans;(c) Research and Information Dissemination. The program shall monitor and research issues relating to wounded or disabled veterans and disseminate information and opportunities throughout its network;(d) Education. The program, through conferences, seminars, and training workshops with federal, state, and private agencies, shall provide guidance and direction to wounded or disabled veterans applying for grants, benefits, or services;(e) Honor and Recognition. The program shall promote events and activities that recognize and honor wounded or disabled veterans; and(f) Facilities. The program, through grants and other sources of funding, shall provide facilities as appropriate in support of the program.(4) The Kentucky Department of Veterans' Affairs shall enter into data-sharing agreements with the United States Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense to obtain timely information with regard to the address and medical status of a Kentucky wounded or disabled veteran.(5) With the consent of a wounded or disabled veteran, the wounded or disabled veterans coordinator for the Commonwealth, or his or her designee, may obtain personal information concerning that veteran for the sole purpose of implementing the program. Under the provisions of KRS 61.878, the information shall not be subject to public disclosure.(6) The Kentucky Department of Veterans' Affairs shall promulgate administrative regulations to carry out the provisions of this section.(7) The program is authorized to accept and expend:(a) Moneys that may be appropriated by the General Assembly; and(b) Other moneys received from any other source, including donations and grants.Effective:6/26/2007
Created 2007, Ky. Acts ch. 92, sec. 1, effective6/26/2007.