- Section 381.010 - Commonwealth vested with ultimate property to lands
- Section 381.020 - Titles allodial and subject to escheat - Right of eminent domain
- Section 381.030 - Death of disseizor - Effect
- Section 381.040 - Estates may commence in future
- Section 381.050 - Estate created by conveyance to husband and wife - Will not to defeat right to the entirety by survivorship
- Section 381.060 - Fee simple created, when - Possession vests in grantee
- Section 381.070 - Estates tail converted into estates in fee - Limitation on
- Section 381.080 - Construction of "without heirs," "without children" or "issue" in deed or will
- Section 381.090 - Construction of "estate for life, remainder to heirs"
- Section 381.100 - Contingent remainder
- Section 381.110 - Alienation or union of estate does not affect remainder
- Section 381.120 - Joint tenants - Partition - Death of one
- Section 381.130 - Exceptions to KRS 381.120
- Section 381.135 - Court-appointed commissioners to determine division of land jointly held and allotment of dower or curtesy - Survey requirement
- Section 381.136 - Life tenants and their descendants - Partition
- Section 381.140 - Posthumous child may take estate in remainder
- Section 381.150 - Conveyance of greater estate than grantor owns - Effect
- Section 381.160 - Purchaser evicted by heir of grantor may recover to extent of estate inherited
- Section 381.170 - Consideration paid by other than grantee - Effect
- Section 381.180 - [Repealed]
- Section 381.190 - Sale of realty by trustee by virtue of pledge or deed of trust
- Section 381.200 - Deeds construed to include buildings and appurtenances - Solar easements
- Section 381.210 - Reversion may be sold - Rights and duties of purchaser
- Section 381.215 - [Repealed]
- Section 381.216 - [Repealed]
- Section 381.217 - [Repealed]
- Section 381.218 - Abolition of fee simple determinable and possibility of reverter
- Section 381.219 - Termination after thirty years of rights of entry created after July 1, 1960
- Section 381.220 - [Repealed]
- Section 381.221 - Termination and preservation of forfeiture restrictions created before July 1, 1960
- Section 381.222 - Exceptions to KRS 381.219 and 381.221
- Section 381.223 - Application of KRS 381.218, 381.219, 381.221, 381.222, and 381.223
- Section 381.224 - Rule against perpetuities abrogated
- Section 381.225 - Permissible period of power of alienation under trust - Future interest
- Section 381.226 - Applicability of KRS 381.224 and 381.225 to property interests and powers of appointment - Construction of provisions requiring vesting within period provided by common law rule against perpetuities
- Section 381.230 - Possession unnecessary in action for trespass
- Section 381.231 - Definitions
- Section 381.232 - Liability for certain injuries
- Section 381.240 - Title to land in adverse possession not to be certified
- Section 381.250 - Certification prohibited when more than one patent
- Section 381.260 - Grants-in-aid of charity valid
- Section 381.270 - Gift to charity not defeated for want of trustee
- Section 381.280 - Forfeiture of right to property for killing or victimizing decedent - Exemptions - Escheat to elder and vulnerable victims trust fund
- Section 381.290 - Rights of alien intending to be naturalized
- Section 381.300 - Realty of nonresident alien liable to escheat after eight years unless he becomes citizen
- Section 381.310 - Spouses and children of citizens - Property rights
- Section 381.320 - Alien's right as to personalty - As to realty if resident
- Section 381.330 - Nonresident alien - Rights as to real property inherited
- Section 381.340 - Nonresident alien - Distribution of property on death of
- Section 381.350 - Waste by tenant for life or years - Forfeiture - Damages
- Section 381.360 - Remainderman or reversioner may bring action for waste
- Section 381.370 - Action by heir for waste done in ancestor's lifetime
- Section 381.380 - Waste by seller before delivery of possession
- Section 381.390 - Waste by joint tenant
- Section 381.400 - Damages when waste wantonly committed
- Section 381.410 - Action against representative of tenant - Revivor
- Section 381.420 - Waste committed while action pending - Receiver - Injunction
- Section 381.430 - Possession of minerals and other interests in land - Effect on possession of surface
- Section 381.440 - Excavations in a city of the first class and consolidated local government - Protection of adjacent property
- Section 381.445 - [Repealed]
- Section 381.450 - Tenants may remove improvements from city lots, when
- Section 381.460 - Occupant in good faith to be paid for improvements
- Section 381.470 - Proceedings to ascertain value of improvements
- Section 381.480 - Oath of jurors
- Section 381.490 - Inquest - Proceedings - Duty of court
- Section 381.500 - Assessment of damages
- Section 381.510 - Inquest may be quashed and new writ awarded
- Section 381.520 - Witnesses - How summoned
- Section 381.530 - Copies of inquest - Fees of sheriff
- Section 381.540 - Trial on return of inquest - Rents
- Section 381.550 - Lien of occupant
- Section 381.560 - Judgment for lien satisfied if all land taken
- Section 381.570 - Growing crop
- Section 381.580 - [Repealed]
- Section 381.590 - [Repealed]
- Section 381.600 - [Repealed]
- Section 381.610 - [Repealed]
- Section 381.620 - [Repealed]
- Section 381.630 - [Repealed]
- Section 381.635 - Right of condemnation of underground passageway to mine
- Section 381.636 - Findings required by commissioners in condemnation of underground passageway - Basis of compensation - Immediate possession
- Section 381.640 - Joint owners of private passway to share costs
- Section 381.650 - Enforcement of payment of joint expenses
- Section 381.660 - Condemnation for underground water pipes
- Section 381.670 - Owner's consent required for certain routes
- Section 381.680 - Person condemning land may enter it, when
- Section 381.690 - Protection of burial grounds by cities
- Section 381.695 - [Repealed]
- Section 381.697 - Cemeteries maintained by legal owners
- Section 381.700 - [Repealed]
- Section 381.710 - Evidence of dedication or use of land as burying ground
- Section 381.715 - Burial rights in cemetery lots - Abandonment - Resale by cemetery
- Section 381.720 - Abandoned cemetery in cities - Proceedings to vest title in city
- Section 381.730 - Notice of suit
- Section 381.740 - Assertion of claim to compensation for value of interest in cemetery or lot
- Section 381.750 - Judgment - Removal of bodies and monuments
- Section 381.755 - Removal of grave or cemetery on application of landowner or county - Procedure - Expenses
- Section 381.760 - Cost of proceeding - Burden of proof
- Section 381.765 - Disinterment, removal, and reinterment of graves by Commonwealth, political subdivision or electric power company; Removal by licensed funeral director
- Section 381.767 - Contracts exempt from KRS 381.765
- Section 381.770 - [Repealed]
- Section 381.775 - Voluntary agreement with property owner for demolition or removal of dilapidated building
- Section 381.780 - Removal of open toilets in urban-county government, city of the first class, or city of the home rule class - Lien on property for cost of removal
- PLANNED COMMUNITIES (§§ 381.785 — 381.803)
- HORIZONTAL PROPERTY LAW (§§ 381.805 — 381.910)
- KENTUCKY CONDOMINIUM ACT (§§ 381.9101 — 381.990)