- Section 367.710 - Definitions
- Section 367.715 - Presumption of nonmerchantability
- Section 367.720 - Rebuttal of presumption of nonmerchantability
- Section 367.725 - Notice by owner of nonmerchantability
- Section 367.730 - Examination by manufacturer, dealer or wholesaler and notification to owner of result
- Section 367.735 - Owner to make mobile home available for repair
- Section 367.740 - Equivalent accommodation or compensation to be supplied to owner during repair
- Section 367.745 - Return of purchase price or supplying of new mobile home in lieu of repairs
- Section 367.750 - Action to recover purchase price
- Section 367.755 - Warranties not excluded - Procedure to justify price increase
- Section 367.760 - Description of defect repaired on new mobile home
- Section 367.765 - Information to be furnished purchaser by seller
- Section 367.770 - Warranties
- Section 367.775 - Rights and remedies