- Section 209.005 - [Effective Until 7/1/2025] Elder Abuse Committee - Membership - Duties - Annual report
- Section 209.005 - Elder Abuse Committee - Membership - Duties - Annual report
- Section 209.010 - Purpose and application of chapter
- Section 209.020 - Definitions for chapter
- Section 209.030 - Administrative regulations - Reports of adult abuse, neglect, or exploitation - Cabinet actions - Status and disposition reports
- Section 209.032 - Query as to whether prospective or current employee has validated substantiated finding of adult abuse, neglect, or exploitation - Administrative regulations - Central registry of substantiated findings made on or after July 15, 2014
- Section 209.035 - Cabinet's authority to promulgate administrative regulations on general adult services
- Section 209.040 - Remedies - Injunctive relief
- Section 209.050 - Immunity from civil or criminal liability
- Section 209.060 - Privileged relationships not ground for excluding evidence
- Section 209.070 - [Repealed]
- Section 209.080 - Title
- Section 209.090 - Legislative intent
- Section 209.100 - Emergency protective services
- Section 209.110 - Petition - Guardian ad litem - Summons - Notice - Hearing - Report to court - Fee
- Section 209.115 - Disqualification from serving in fiduciary capacity for felony conviction under KRS Chapter 209
- Section 209.120 - Findings by court - Limitations of court's power - Termination of order
- Section 209.130 - Ex parte order of court - Implementation
- Section 209.140 - Confidentiality of information
- Section 209.150 - Who may make criminal complaint
- Section 209.160 - [Repealed] Renumbered
- Section 209.170 - Staffing requirements
- Section 209.180 - Prosecution of adult abuse, neglect, and exploitation
- Section 209.190 - Prosecutor's manual
- Section 209.195 - Electronic development of and access to educational and training courses and materials
- Section 209.200 - [Repealed]
- Section 209.400 - [Repealed]
- Section 209.410 - [Repealed]
- Section 209.420 - [Repealed]
- SENIOR GAMES (§ 209.500)
- PENALTIES (§ 209.990)