- Section 201.010 - Definitions
- Section 201.020 - Board for home - Members - Appointment - Terms - Vacancies
- Section 201.030 - Organization of board - Officers and employees
- Section 201.040 - Powers and duties of board
- Section 201.050 - Board to acquire property
- Section 201.060 - Title to property
- Section 201.070 - Condemnation of property
- Section 201.080 - Children who may be received into the home
- Section 201.090 - Children that board may have committed
- Section 201.100 - Procedure for commitment - Appeals
- Section 201.110 - Duration of commitment - Discharge - Parole
- Section 201.120 - Employment, training, and education of children
- Section 201.130 - Classification and segregation of children
- Section 201.140 - Parole officers - Powers and duties
- Section 201.150 - Aiding escape of children prohibited
- Section 201.160 - Appropriations for purchase of property - Right to alienate property
- Section 201.170 - Appropriations for maintenance
- Section 201.180 - Fiscal year - Annual statements of board - Other information to be supplied
- Section 201.190 - Budgets - Accounting system
- Section 201.200 - Limitation on expenditures - Board may borrow money
- Section 201.210 - Annual reports of board
- Section 201.990 - Penalties