- Section 199.640 - Licensing of child-caring and child-placing agencies or facilities - License fees - Standards - Recordkeeping and reporting - Use of corporal punishment - Prohibition against hiring convicted sex offender - Confidentiality of records
- Section 199.641 - Definitions - Payments to child-caring facility or child-placing agency
- Section 199.642 - Staff members of child-caring facilities must submit to background checks in accordance with federal law and regulations - Administrative regulations
- Section 199.645 - Administrative regulations for facilities and agencies caring for children before adjudication under KRS Chapter 630
- Section 199.650 - Authorized activities of child-caring facilities or child-placing agencies - Child-caring facility to designate on-site official to apply reasonable and prudent parent standard
- Section 199.660 - Authorized activities of child-placing agencies - Registry of closed foster family homes - Restrictions on approvals of or placements in foster family homes - Collaboration to promote educational stability
- Section 199.665 - Performance-based contracting for child-caring facilities and child-placing agencies - Study group - Implementation - Administrative regulations
- Section 199.670 - Denial, suspension, or revocation of license of child-caring facilities or child-placing agencies
- Section 199.680 - Nonreimbursement of out-of-state providers of residential care for children - Exception - Administrative regulations