Section 199.464 - Course for foster parents on prevention and recognition of pediatric abusive head trauma(1) A foster parent who receives a child younger than the age of five (5) years for placement shall undergo a one and one-half (1.5) hour continuing education session one (1) time every five (5) years covering the prevention and recognition of pediatric abusive head trauma as defined in KRS 620.020. A current qualifying foster parent shall demonstrate completion of this educational session by December 31, 2013.(2) The educational session required in this section shall address risk factors related to pediatric abusive head trauma, and the methods to reduce the risk of pediatric abusive head trauma in the foster or adoptive home. Training in recognizing pediatric abusive head trauma may be designed in collaboration with organizations and agencies that specialize in the prevention and recognition of pediatric abusive head trauma approved by the secretary of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services.(3) The Cabinet for Health and Family Services may promulgate an administrative regulation to implement this section.Effective:7/15/2010
Created 2010, Ky. Acts ch. 171, sec. 6, effective7/15/2010.