- Section 186A.005 - Definitions for chapter
- Section 186A.010 - Automated motor vehicle and trailer registration and titling - Transportation Cabinet to develop system
- Section 186A.015 - Automated motorboat registration and titling - Agencies to implement system
- Section 186A.017 - Electronic title application and registration system - Application by approved entity - Contracts with third parties - Fees - Administrative regulations
- Section 186A.020 - Cabinet authorized to promulgate administrative regulations and institute programs
- Section 186A.025 - Responsibility and authority for administration and support of system
- Section 186A.030 - Computation and collection of motor vehicle and trailer ad valorem taxes
- Section 186A.035 - Motor vehicle registration by birth month of owner - Alternative schedule for certain vehicles - Joint tenancy with right of survivorship for motor vehicle jointly owned by married couple - Clerk's fee - Renewal of registration
- Section 186A.040 - Motor vehicle insurance data included in system database - Notification of cancellation, nonrenewal of policy, or absence of vehicle identification number to insured and county attorney - Revocation of license - Certified records to county attorney - Information not subject to Kentucky Open Records Act
- Section 186A.042 - Prohibition against licensing of personal motor vehicles without listing of vehicle identification numbers - Exceptions - Submission of paper or electronic proof of insurance card to county clerk
- Section 186A.045 - Video telecommunication equipment in all counties
- Section 186A.050 - Conditions and characteristics of certificate of title and computer generated forms
- Section 186A.055 - System to withhold title until vehicle identification number compared
- Section 186A.060 - Department of Vehicle Regulation to develop forms - Reduction of paperwork required - Identification numbers used - False or erroneous information
- Section 186A.065 - Prerequisites for operation of motor vehicles or trailers
- Section 186A.070 - Registration and title requirements for vehicles, manufactured homes, or trailers
- Section 186A.072 - Titling of custom-built motorcycles
- Section 186A.073 - Titling of military surplus vehicle
- Section 186A.074 - Titling of all-terrain vehicles
- Section 186A.075 - [Repealed]
- Section 186A.080 - Motor vehicles exempt from title and registration requirements
- Section 186A.085 - Prerequisites to acceptance of application for title
- Section 186A.090 - Owner to secure proper vehicle identification number from department
- Section 186A.095 - Time for application for registration and title on vehicle imported into Commonwealth
- Section 186A.097 - Registration of imported motor vehicles - Transfer of title - Inspection of vehicle
- Section 186A.100 - Application, procedure, and use for temporary motor vehicle registration
- Section 186A.105 - Information required for issuance of temporary registration
- Section 186A.110 - Liability for improper issuance of temporary registration
- Section 186A.115 - Inspection of motor vehicles and documents by certified inspector - Fee for certification of inspection - Special inspectors - Reciprocity between counties - Modifications of military surplus vehicles - Administrative regulations - Exceptions - Inspection of historic vehicles
- Section 186A.120 - Initial application for title and registration to be in county of residence of owner - Exceptions
- Section 186A.125 - Application for title or registration - Department to provide forms - County clerk to process documents - Exceptions
- Section 186A.127 - Permanent fleet registration plates - Fees and taxes - Delinquency penalty - Annual reconciliation - Administrative regulations
- Section 186A.130 - Fee for title application
- Section 186A.135 - [Repealed]
- Section 186A.140 - [Repealed]
- Section 186A.145 - Processing prohibited when property tax account delinquent - Exceptions - Responsibility for ad valorem taxes
- Section 186A.147 - Prohibition against registration of personal motor vehicle owned by delinquent taxpayer - Written tax clearance - Informal hearing - Exception
- Section 186A.150 - [Repealed]
- Section 186A.155 - [Repealed]
- Section 186A.160 - [Repealed]
- Section 186A.165 - County clerk to complete transmittal record - Exceptions
- Section 186A.170 - Duties of Department of Vehicle Regulation in processing title applications
- Section 186A.175 - [Repealed]
- Section 186A.180 - Owner may obtain updated certificate of title
- Section 186A.185 - Department to be custodian of documents
- Section 186A.190 - Security interest notation required on title document - Notarized designation of debtor's county of residence provides reliance on and relief from liability - Requirements to perfect title on security interest - Continuation statements - Determination of debtor's residence when debtor is other than a natural person - Discharge of security interest - Issuance of new ownership document to creditor in possession upon certain conditions - Fees
- Section 186A.191 - Terminal rental adjustment clauses - Vehicle leases that are not sales or security interests
- Section 186A.193 - Title lien statement
- Section 186A.195 - Submission of title lien statement - Entry of information by county clerk - Certificate of registration - Pending lien - Fee for filing through electronic system - Perfection of security interest
- Section 186A.196 - [Repealed]
- Section 186A.197 - [Repealed]
- Section 186A.200 - Time period for submission of title lien statement - Penalty - Entry of information into system
- Section 186A.205 - Clerk to enter lien assignment into system
- Section 186A.210 - Duties of clerk when security interest has been discharged
- Section 186A.215 - Procedures for transfer of vehicle ownership
- Section 186A.220 - Requirements for motor vehicle dealer upon receipt of vehicle
- Section 186A.225 - Forms used when transferring vehicle or trailer
- Section 186A.230 - Assignment titles used by motor vehicle dealers
- Section 186A.235 - Owner to notify clerk of residence or name change
- Section 186A.240 - Cancellation of title erroneously issued
- Section 186A.245 - Duplicate certificate of title - Fee
- Section 186A.250 - Suspension or revocation of title - Conditions and methods for action
- Section 186A.255 - Department of Vehicle Regulation to provide notice of fraudulent documents to State Police
- Section 186A.260 - Tampering with automated system prohibited
- Section 186A.265 - County clerk and employees to be trained and certified in system use
- Section 186A.270 - Commissioner may suspend authority to utilize automated system
- Section 186A.275 - Entering false information to produce title document prohibited
- Section 186A.280 - Entering false information into automated system prohibited
- Section 186A.285 - Permission to connect automated system required - Exceptions - Notification of county attorney if vehicle is not properly insured
- Section 186A.287 - Use of automated motor vehicle information system for titling and registration restricted to county clerks and Transportation Cabinet
- Section 186A.290 - County clerk may omit sending duplicate copies of title
- Section 186A.295 - Owner to surrender title on destroyed vehicle or trailer
- Section 186A.297 - Filing of affidavit of conversion to real estate when manufactured home is permanently affixed to land - Requirements for surrender of certificate of title
- Section 186A.298 - Filing of affidavit of severance from real estate for manufactured home previously converted to real estate
- Section 186A.300 - Possession of blank, uncompleted or partially executed title and registration documents prohibited - Exceptions
- Section 186A.305 - Alteration or removal of motor vehicle identification number prohibited
- Section 186A.310 - Selling or receiving of vehicle with identification number removed or altered prohibited
- Section 186A.315 - Possession of manufacturer's identification number plates prohibited - Exceptions
- Section 186A.320 - Duties of peace officer in the event a stolen vehicle is located
- Section 186A.325 - Trafficking in stolen vehicles or stolen vehicle parts
- Section 186A.330 - Duties of law enforcement officer in the event of arrest for violation of trafficking in stolen vehicles or stolen parts
- Section 186A.335 - Renumbered
- Section 186A.340 - Appeal of administrative action to court
- Section 186A.345 - Definitions to be consistent with KRS 186.010
- Section 186A.350 - Fees credited to trust and agency account
- DAMAGED MOTOR VEHICLES (§§ 186A.500 — 186A.555)
- PENALTIES (§ 186A.990)