- Section 186.400 - Duties of Transportation Cabinet - Administration of laws
- Section 186.401 - Definitions of "driver's license," "operator's license," and "commercial driver's license"
- Section 186.402 - Statement of legislative intent relating to young drivers
- Section 186.403 - Voluntary travel ID instruction permits, operator's licenses, commercial driver's licenses, and personal identification cards - Application - Fees - Issuance - Administrative regulations
- Section 186.405 - Registration with United States Selective Service System - Duties of cabinet
- Section 186.407 - Annual report on identity document issuance
- Section 186.410 - Operators' license - Requirements and issuance - Personal identification cards, validity - Driver training programs - Application for travel ID or standard document - Owner of motor vehicle considered operator when fully autonomous vehicle system engaged
- Section 186.4101 - Renewal of license - Reconciliation of four-year and eight-year renewal periods
- Section 186.4102 - Photograph required for operator's license, instructional permit, or personal identification card - Identification number - Age and organ donor designations - Voluntary travel ID identity document - When photograph not required
- Section 186.411 - Issuance of driver's license to person with a seizure condition - Conditions - Notice and hearing - Option for determination of ability by medical review board
- Section 186.412 - [Effective Until 7/1/2025] Application of United States citizen or permanent resident for instruction permit or operator's license - Information and documents required - Photograph - Scanning and retaining of application information - Temporary license or permit - Birth certificate - Oath
- Section 186.412 - [Effective 7/1/2025] Application of United States citizen or permanent resident for instruction permit or operator's license - Information and documents required - Photograph - Scanning and retaining of application information - Temporary license or permit - Birth certificate - Oath
- Section 186.4121 - Instruction permit or operator's license application for non-United States citizen or permanent resident - Immigration status and personal identity documentation and verification - Renewal or duplicate license - Term of license
- Section 186.4122 - Personal identification card application for United States citizen or permanent resident - Photograph - Scanning and retaining application information - Proof of residency - Homeless child or youth - Issuance of personal identification card and operator's license or instruction permit - Term of identification card
- Section 186.4123 - Personal identification card application for non-United States citizen or permanent resident - Photograph - Scanning of application documents - Proof of residency - Applicant without fixed residence - Immigration documentation - Immigration status and personal identity verification - Term of identification card
- Section 186.4125 - Documentation required for voluntary travel ID
- Section 186.413 - [Repealed]
- Section 186.414 - [Repealed]
- Section 186.415 - Application for operator's license by military enlistee - Conditions
- Section 186.416 - Renewal and update of operator's license electronically or by mail for military personnel and spouse and dependents stationed outside of Kentucky - Veteran's designation on operator's license or personal ID card - Administrative regulations
- Section 186.417 - Issuance of operator's license or personal identification card to released felon - Documentation required - Processing and issuance - Administrative regulations governing operator's licenses for eligible current inmates
- Section 186.418 - Voluntary statewide child identification program - Travel ID child identification - Fee - Term of child identification card
- Section 186.419 - Additional documentation required for voluntary travel ID permit, license, or identification card - Administrative regulations - Proof of physical address and citizenship or immigration status
- Section 186.420 - Exemption of operators of road or farm machinery and persons in Armed Forces
- Section 186.430 - Exemptions from Kentucky operator's license requirement
- Section 186.435 - Application for operator's license by driver who becomes Kentucky resident - Verification of status in other jurisdiction - Procedures for permanent residents - Application of driver who becomes Kentucky resident
- Section 186.440 - Persons ineligible for operator's license - Reinstatement fee
- Section 186.442 - Suspension or revocation of license or driving privileges in another jurisdiction - Persons eligible for restricted license - Application and supporting documents - Issuance of license valid only in Kentucky - Removal of restrictions - Inapplicability to commercial driver's license
- Section 186.444 - Medical review board - Purpose - Members - Informal hearing - Authority of cabinet to promulgate administrative regulations - Prohibition against age-based licensing limitations - Appeal
- Section 186.445 - [Repealed]
- Section 186.447 - Motorcycle operator's license restriction - Three-wheeled motorcycles
- Section 186.450 - Instruction permits for motor vehicle and motorcycle - Application - Age requirements - Restrictions on driving with permit - Exemption from permit for applicant who completes motorcycle rider training course - Administrative regulations - Minors and adults who assume responsibility for them
- Section 186.452 - Intermediate license to operate a motor vehicle
- Section 186.454 - Intermediate license holder application process
- Section 186.455 - [Repealed]
- Section 186.456 - Pilot project to provide operator's license skills testing in counties where testing is not offered - Administration by Department of Kentucky State Police - Report
- Section 186.460 - [Repealed]
- Section 186.470 - Application of minor - Renewal of minor's license or permit - Consent to release of academic information to cabinet - Cancellation
- Section 186.480 - Examination of applicants by Department of Kentucky State Police - Vision test to be administered in compliance with KRS 186.577 - Exemptions - Road skills test
- Section 186.490 - [Repealed]
- Section 186.495 - [Repealed]
- Section 186.500 - [Repealed]
- Section 186.510 - License to be in possession and to be shown on demand
- Section 186.520 - Duplicate license
- Section 186.530 - [Repealed]
- Section 186.531 - Fees for licenses, permits, and identification cards - Exceptions, when fee not to be assessed for personal identification cards - Voluntary donation to organ donor program - Acceptance of payment methods
- Section 186.5315 - [Repealed]
- Section 186.535 - Earmark of funds from operator's license and motorcycle registration fees
- Section 186.540 - Application for corrected license or identification card upon change of address or name - No charge for corrected identity document if street name or postal address changed or if document contains error
- Section 186.550 - Courts to report convictions and send licenses to cabinet - Exception for offenses committed under KRS Chapter 189A
- Section 186.560 - Mandatory revocation or denial of license - Causes - Period of revocation or denial - Prohibition against reductions of certain revocations or denials - Limited exception relating to enrollment in alcohol or substance abuse education or treatment programs
- Section 186.565 - [Repealed]
- Section 186.570 - Denial or suspension of license - Informal hearing - Appeal - Surrender of certificate - Medical review board - Prohibition against raising insurance on basis of denial or suspension for child support arrearage
- Section 186.572 - Assessment of penalty points for speeding on limited access highway
- Section 186.574 - State traffic school for new drivers and for traffic offenders - Fees - Fee in lieu of court costs - Procedures - County attorney-operated traffic safety program
- Section 186.575 - [Repealed]
- Section 186.576 - Definitions for KRS 186.576 to 186.579
- Section 186.577 - Testing applicants for initial operator's license or initial instruction permit - Restrictions or driving privileges based on visual acuity test - Testing not required for license renewal - Certain drivers restricted to use of bioptic telescopic devices - Administrative regulations - Fees to cover costs of testing - Deposit of fees in photo license account
- Section 186.578 - Visual acuity requirements for certified driver training program - Testing of knowledge of motor vehicle laws - Daytime and nighttime operator's license examinations - Out-of-state drivers establishing residence in Kentucky - Restriction on taking of operator's license examination after three failings - Consequence of failure to pass examination
- Section 186.579 - Restricted operator's license requiring daytime driving, use of bioptic telescopic device, and vehicle with left and right outside mirrors - Removal of restrictions - Annual submission of comprehensive visual examination - Suspension of license
- Section 186.580 - Appeals
- Section 186.590 - Minor's negligence imputed to person signing application or allowing him or her to drive
- Section 186.600 - [Repealed]
- Section 186.610 - Prohibited uses of licenses - Fraud in application
- Section 186.620 - Unlawful to drive or permit another to drive without license - Display of license on request of peace officer - Defense
- Section 186.630 - Renting a motor vehicle to another
- Section 186.635 - Persons required to complete examinations under KRS 186.480 - Reinstatement
- Section 186.640 - Driving without operator's license is evidence of negligence in accident
- Section 186.6401 - [ Renumbered] Renumbered