The governing body of each public corporation eligible for state financial assistance under the provisions of this act shall make application for state payment each year to the Kansas department of agriculture division of conservation in such form and manner as the Kansas department of agriculture division of conservation may prescribe by its rules and regulations. Each year the Kansas department of agriculture division of conservation shall determine what persons are eligible to receive financial assistance from the state, and the amounts thereof, pursuant to this act. In the event the Kansas department of agriculture division of conservation shall determine that any such application, including the amounts thereof, is proper and in compliance with this act and is supported by a resolution as provided in K.S.A. 82a-1704, and amendments thereto, the Kansas department of agriculture division of conservation may submit a request therefor as a part of its annual budget requests and estimates. Each such request shall be separately stated and identified. The budget item for each project shall contain the name of the project, the name of the public corporation to which the item relates, the county or counties in which such public corporation is located, the identification of the agreement or resolution supporting the request, and the amount of state payment requested therefor.
K.S.A. 82a-1703