The following-described tracts of land lying within the limits of the reservation aforesaid, to wit: Section 36, township 13 S., range 19 W.; section 31, township 13 S., range 18 W.; section 1, township 14 S., range 19 W.; sections 6 and 8, the east half of section 7, the north half of section 17, and the northeast quarter of section 18, all in township 14 S., range 18 W., are hereby set aside for the use of the Kansas state teachers' college of Hays. It shall be the duty of the state board of regents to lease or rent the said lands to the best advantage, and all moneys derived from rents for such lands shall be collected by the said board, who shall deposit the same with the state treasurer, to be expended by the said board for the equipment and maintenance of said Kansas state teachers' college of Hays.
K.S.A. 76-504