Beginning for the same at a point in the center line of the pavement of the Robert Crain Highway (Maryland Route 761) as now constructed, said point being approximately 197 feet westerly of where said center line formerly intersected the center line of track of Washington & Chesapeake Beach Railroad, and being also N. 37°00' W. 20 feet from a concrete monument set; and running thence with the center line of said pavement (1) S. 54°45' W. 69.83 feet to a point, the intersection of the center lines of pavement of said Crain Highway and of the County Road from Upper Marlboro to Croom Station, thence along the center line of the Croom Station Road the following three courses: (2) S. 40°40' W. 100.37 feet; (3) S. 46°40' W. 73.00 feet; (4) S. 62°00' W. 93.20 feet to the Easterly boundary of the lands of James Sasscer, being part of the tract formerly owned by J. Selwyn Sasscer, per liber 47, Folio 558, and with said boundary (5) S. 28°56' E. 143.82 feet to a 32" Beech Tree passing in transit a large concrete block post at 12.14 feet of said line, thence with an approximation of a stream bed and with and binding on the Northerly line of Ghiselin Sasscer's portion of the said J. Selwyn Sasscer Farm, as now surveyed, (6) N. 65°14' E. 360.84 feet to a concrete monument set, thence (7) N. 37°00' W. 231.62 feet to the place of beginning, passing in transit a concrete monument set at 211.62 feet of said line, containing 1.43 acres of land, more or less.
K.S.A. 76-397