Engaging in any activity without a required valid license or permit, other than a big game or wild turkey permit or license or permit for commercial activity | $100 |
Engaging in any activity without a required stamp or other issue of the department | 75 |
Engaging in any commercial activity without a required valid license or permit | 500 |
Engaging in any big game or wild turkey hunting without a required valid big game or wild turkey permit | 500 |
Making misrepresentation to secure license, permit, stamp or other issue of the department | 250 |
Taking wildlife, except big game or wild turkey, unlawfully (including but not limited to taking wildlife before or after legal taking hours, during closed season, or using unlawful equipment, means or method) | 100 |
Carrying unplugged shotgun | 75 |
Exceeding bag or possession limit, except big game or wild turkey - $25 for each animal in excess of the bag or possession limit, plus | 75 |
Exceeding big game or wild turkey bag or possession limit - $100 for each animal in excess of the bag or possession limit, plus | 250 |
Unlawful transporting of wildlife | 150 |
Taking big game or wild turkey unlawfully (including, but not limited to, taking big game or wild turkey before or after legal taking hours, during closed season, or using unlawful equipment, means or method) | 500 |
Failing to wear and properly display required clothing during a big game hunting season | 75 |
Taking wildlife when operating an amount of equipment in excess of that legally authorized | 75 |
Exceeding creel or possession limit - $25 for each animal in excess of the creel or possession limit, plus | 75 |
Operating vessel without a certificate of number or registration | 50 |
Operating vessel without proper display of required identification number | 50 |
Failing to properly display required lights on vessel between sunset and sunrise | 50 |
Operating vessel without correct number or approved types of adult personal flotation devices - $25 for each adult personal flotation device violation, plus | 50 |
Operating vessel without correct number or approved types of child personal flotation devices - $50 for each child personal flotation device violation, plus | 100 |
Operating vessel without required number of personal flotation devices readily accessible and in good and serviceable condition - $25 for each personal flotation device violation, plus | 50 |
Operating vessel without required number or approved types of fire extinguishers | 50 |
Operating vessel in restricted area | 50 |
Operating vessel without required observer or rearview mirror on vessel | 50 |
Operating vessel without required equipment or in excess of capacity plate limitations | 50 |
Unlawful altering, destroying or removing of capacity plate | 100 |
K.S.A. 32-1050