All parties shall be entitled to the use of subpoenas to compel attendance of witnesses within the state. The judge or clerk of the district court shall issue a subpoena which may be served by any law enforcement officer or code enforcement officer upon the named person. Disobedience may constitute contempt.
Fees and mileage of witnesses shall be $2.50 per day or any part thereof for an appearance and $.10 per mile actually driven beyond 10 miles. The fees and mileage for the attendance of witnesses shall be paid by the party calling the witnesses, except that if an accused person is found not guilty, the county shall pay all such expenses. The judge may direct that fees and mileage of witnesses subpoenaed by the accused person be charged against such person, if the judge finds that there has been an abuse of the use of subpoenas by the accused person.
K.S.A. 19-4726