Section 6-6-5.5-20 - Distributions to counties and taxing units; deduction by state comptroller(a) On or before May 1, subject to subsections (c) and (d), the state comptroller shall distribute to each county auditor an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the product of: (1) the county's distribution percentage; multiplied by(2) the total commercial vehicle excise tax deposited in the commercial vehicle excise tax fund in the preceding calendar year.(b) On or before December 1, subject to subsections (c) and (d), the state comptroller shall distribute to each county auditor an amount equal to fifty percent (50%) of the product of: (1) the county's distribution percentage; multiplied by(2) the total commercial vehicle excise tax deposited in the commercial vehicle excise tax fund in the preceding calendar year.(c) Before distributing the amounts under subsections (a) and (b), the state comptroller shall deduct for a county unit an amount for deposit in a state fund, as directed by the budget agency, equal to the result determined under STEP FIVE of the following formula: STEP ONE: Separately for 2006, 2007, and 2008, determine the result of:
(A) the tax rate imposed by the county in the year for the county's county medical assistance to wards fund, family and children's fund, children's psychiatric residential treatment services fund, county hospital care for the indigent fund, children with special health care needs county fund, plus, in the case of Marion County, the tax rate imposed by the health and hospital corporation that was necessary to raise thirty-five million dollars ($35,000,000) from all taxing districts in the county; divided by(B) the aggregate tax rate imposed by the county unit and, in the case of Marion County, the health and hospital corporation in the year. STEP TWO: Determine the sum of the STEP ONE amounts.
STEP THREE: Divide the STEP TWO result by three (3).
STEP FOUR: Determine the amount that would otherwise be distributed to the county under subsection (a) or (b), as appropriate, without regard to this subsection.
STEP FIVE: Determine the result of:
(A) the STEP THREE amount; multiplied by(B) the STEP FOUR result.(d) Before distributing the amounts under subsections (a) and (b), the state comptroller shall deduct for a school corporation an amount for deposit in a state fund, as directed by the budget agency, equal to the result determined under STEP FIVE of the following formula: STEP ONE: Separately for 2006, 2007, and 2008, determine the result of:
(A) the tax rate imposed by the school corporation in the year for the tuition support levy under IC 6-1.1-19-1.5 (repealed) or IC 20-45-3-11 (repealed) for the school corporation's general fund plus the tax rate imposed by the school corporation for the school corporation's special education preschool fund; divided by(B) the aggregate tax rate imposed by the school corporation in the year. STEP TWO: Determine the sum of the results determined under STEP ONE.
STEP THREE: Divide the STEP TWO result by three (3).
STEP FOUR: Determine the amount of commercial vehicle excise tax that would otherwise be distributed to the school corporation under subsection (a) or (b), as appropriate, without regard to this subsection.
STEP FIVE: Determine the result of:
(A) the STEP FOUR amount; multiplied by(B) the STEP THREE result.(e) Upon receipt, the county auditor shall distribute to the taxing units an amount equal to the product of the taxing unit's distribution percentage multiplied by the total distributed to the county under this section. The amount determined shall be apportioned and distributed among the respective funds of each taxing unit in the same manner and at the same time as property taxes are apportioned and distributed (subject to adjustment as provided in IC 36-8-19-7.5 after December 31, 2009).(f) In the event that sufficient funds are not available in the commercial vehicle excise tax fund for the distributions required by subsection (a) and subsection (b)(1), the state comptroller shall transfer funds from the commercial vehicle excise tax reserve fund.(g) The state comptroller shall, not later than July 1 of each year, furnish to each county auditor an estimate of the amounts to be distributed to the counties under this section during the next calendar year. Before August 1, each county auditor shall furnish to the proper officer of each taxing unit of the county an estimate of the amounts to be distributed to the taxing units under this section during the next calendar year and the budget of each taxing unit shall show the estimated amounts to be received for each fund for which a property tax is proposed to be levied.(h) The distributions received under subsections (a) and (b) may be used for any legal purpose.Amended by P.L. 9-2024,SEC. 205, eff. 7/1/2024.Amended by P.L. 38-2021,SEC. 48, eff. 7/1/2021.As added by P.L. 181-1999, SEC.2. Amended by P.L. 146-2008, SEC.354; P.L. 182-2009 (ss), SEC.241.