Section 6-1.1-42-32 - Publication and filing of deduction information by auditor(a) Each calendar year, the county auditor shall publish the following in a newspaper of general interest and readership and not one of limited subject matter:(1) A list of the approved deduction applications that were filed under this chapter during that year. The list must contain the following: (A) The name and address of each person approved for or receiving a deduction that was filed for during the year.(B) The amount of each deduction that was filed for during the year.(C) The years for which each deduction that was filed for during the year will be available.(D) The total amount for all deductions that were filed for and granted during the year.(2) The total amount of all deductions for real property that were in effect under section 24 of this chapter during the year.(3) The total amount of all deductions for personal property that were in effect under section 24 of this chapter during the year.(b) The county auditor shall file the information described in subsection (a)(2) and (a)(3) with the department of local government finance each calendar year.
IC 6-1.1-42-32
As added by P.L. 59-1997, SEC.1. Amended by P.L. 2-1998, SEC.29; P.L. 90-2002, SEC.287.