Ind. Code § 4-6-3-3
If the attorney general has reasonable cause to believe that a person may be in possession, custody, or control of documentary material, or may have knowledge of a fact that is relevant to an investigation conducted to determine if a person is or has been engaged in a violation of IC 4-6-9, IC 4-6-10, IC 13-14-10, IC 13-14-12, IC 13-24-2, IC 13-30-4, IC 13-30-5, IC 13-30-8, IC 16-21-15, IC 23-7-8, IC 24-1-2, IC 24-5-0.5, IC 24-5-7, IC 24-5-8, IC 24-9, IC 25-1-7, IC 27-1-37-8, IC 32-34-1.5, or any other statute enforced by the attorney general or is or has been engaged in a criminal violation of IC 13, only the attorney general may issue in writing, and cause to be served upon the person or the person's representative or agent, an investigative demand that requires that the person served do any combination of the following:
IC 4-6-3-3