Section 4-31-7.5-10 - Licensed SPMO acceptance of advance deposit wagers(a) A licensed SPMO may accept advance deposit wagers for races conducted within or outside Indiana. Advance deposit wagers made under this chapter are considered to have been made in Indiana.(b) A licensed SPMO must have a single written contract signed by each permit holder. The contract must be approved by the commission. The contract must: (1) specify the manner in which the amount of the source market fee is determined for each permit holder;(2) govern all other aspects of the business relationship between the licensed SPMO and each permit holder; and(3) contain a provision reserving all rights of horsemen's associations under the federal Interstate Horse Racing Act ( 15 U.S.C. 3001 et seq.).Added by P.L. 268-2017,SEC. 12, eff. 7/1/2017.