- Section 36-8-8-0.1 - Application of certain amendments to chapter
- Section 36-8-8-1 - Application of chapter
- Section 36-8-8-1.2 - "Airport authority"
- Section 36-8-8-1.5 - "Electronic funds transfer"
- Section 36-8-8-2 - "Employer"
- Section 36-8-8-2.1 - "Local board"
- Section 36-8-8-2.2 - "School resource officer"
- Section 36-8-8-2.3 - "System board"
- Section 36-8-8-2.5 - Qualification of 1977 fund under Internal Revenue Code
- Section 36-8-8-2.6 - Administration of fund
- Section 36-8-8-3 - Participation by units; longevity increases; participation by airport authorities; participation by a school corporation or charter school
- Section 36-8-8-4 - Fund established; managed by system board
- Section 36-8-8-5 - System board; powers and duties; appeals; personnel; confidentiality of fund records
- Section 36-8-8-6 - Employer contributions; reports and records
- Section 36-8-8-6.5 - Submission of salary
- Section 36-8-8-7 - Membership in fund; reemployment with participating employer
- Section 36-8-8-7.2 - Fire chief or police chief transfer of service credit to PERF
- Section 36-8-8-8 - Employee contributions; lump sum withdrawal on termination of employment
- Section 36-8-8-8.3 - Purchase of military service credit
- Section 36-8-8-8.5 - Purchase of service credit in certain Indiana public retirement funds
- Section 36-8-8-8.6 - Purchase of in-state service credit
- Section 36-8-8-8.8 - Purchase of out-of-state service credit
- Section 36-8-8-9 - Conversion from prior fund
- Section 36-8-8-9.5 - Fund member maximum retirement age
- Section 36-8-8-10 - Eligibility for retirement; initiation of benefits; election to receive actuarially reduced benefits
- Section 36-8-8-11 - Computation of retirement benefits; actuarially reduced benefits
- Section 36-8-8-11.5 - Reemployment after retirement
- Section 36-8-8-12 - Benefits for members with covered impairments; retirement benefits for members who have a disability and are less than 52 years old
- Section 36-8-8-12.3 - Covered impairments; hearings; inclusions; Class 3 excludable condition; determination
- Section 36-8-8-12.4 - Election of coverage by IC 36-8-8-12.5 and IC 36-8-8-13.5
- Section 36-8-8-12.5 - Determination of class of impairment
- Section 36-8-8-12.7 - Hearings; notice; procedure; discovery; determinations; appeals; records; determination whether disability in line of duty
- Section 36-8-8-13 - [Repealed]
- Section 36-8-8-13.1 - Submission of determination of local board and safety board to system director; medical examinations; initial determination; objections; hearing; final order; appeals
- Section 36-8-8-13.3 - Disability benefits; benefit for catastrophic physical personal injury
- Section 36-8-8-13.4 - Expired
- Section 36-8-8-13.5 - Applicability to certain fund members; disability benefits for classes of impairment; benefit for catastrophic physical personal injury
- Section 36-8-8-13.6 - "Class 3 excludable condition"; rules; recording and retaining listing of condition
- Section 36-8-8-13.7 - Review of member's impairment; hearing; costs of medical examination
- Section 36-8-8-13.8 - Members dying other than in line of duty after August 31, 1982
- Section 36-8-8-13.9 - Members dying in line of duty before September 1, 1982
- Section 36-8-8-14 - [Repealed]
- Section 36-8-8-14.1 - Members dying in line of duty after August 31, 1982
- Section 36-8-8-14.2 - Public safety officers survivors' health coverage cumulative fund
- Section 36-8-8-15 - Cost of living adjustment
- Section 36-8-8-16 - Lump sum death benefit
- Section 36-8-8-17 - Benefits exempt from judicial process; reimbursement of employers; withholding payments; transfer prohibited; rollover to eligible retirement plan
- Section 36-8-8-17.2 - Voluntary benefit deductions
- Section 36-8-8-18 - Credit for service prior to participation in 1977 fund; rollover distributions; trustee to trustee transfers
- Section 36-8-8-18.1 - Members electing to transfer or being transferred to 1977 fund from PERF
- Section 36-8-8-19 - Baseline statewide physical and mental examinations
- Section 36-8-8-20 - Special lump sum death benefit in addition to other benefits
- Section 36-8-8-21 - 1977 fund members; age limitation; aptitude, physical agility, and physical and mental standards; credit for prior service
- Section 36-8-8-21.5 - 1977 fund members; school resource officer; age limitation; physical and mental examination; training requirement; credit for prior service
- Section 36-8-8-22 - Selection of administrative law judge
- Section 36-8-8-23 - Disability retiree supplemental benefit
- Section 36-8-8-24 - Beneficiary designation
- Section 36-8-8-24.8 - Expired