- Section 36-8-7.5-0.1 - Application of certain amendments to chapter
- Section 36-8-7.5-1 - Application of chapter; officers eligible for benefits
- Section 36-8-7.5-1.5 - Qualification of 1953 fund under Internal Revenue Code; benefit limitations
- Section 36-8-7.5-1.7 - "Americans with Disabilities Act"
- Section 36-8-7.5-1.9 - Administration of fund
- Section 36-8-7.5-2 - Establishment of fund; local board of trustees; terms; vacancies; compensation; bylaws
- Section 36-8-7.5-3 - Officers of local board; powers and duties; secretary's bond; reports
- Section 36-8-7.5-4 - Management of revenue of fund by local board
- Section 36-8-7.5-5 - Applications to local board for annuities, pensions, and benefits
- Section 36-8-7.5-6 - Annual report of local board
- Section 36-8-7.5-7 - Employees of local board; compensation
- Section 36-8-7.5-8 - Sources of fund
- Section 36-8-7.5-9 - City officers; powers and duties
- Section 36-8-7.5-10 - Insufficient pension fund; estimates; statement; tax levy
- Section 36-8-7.5-10.5 - Use of certain amounts in 1953 fund
- Section 36-8-7.5-11 - Investments of local board
- Section 36-8-7.5-12 - Voluntary retirement pension; emergency services
- Section 36-8-7.5-12.5 - Reemployment after retirement
- Section 36-8-7.5-13 - Disability retirement; benefits; procedure for determination of disability and reinstatement; period of disability credited
- Section 36-8-7.5-13.2 - Determination whether disability in line of duty
- Section 36-8-7.5-13.6 - Members dying other than in line of duty
- Section 36-8-7.5-13.7 - Members dying in line of duty before September 1, 1982
- Section 36-8-7.5-13.8 - Death benefits paid to beneficiary or estate of member
- Section 36-8-7.5-13.9 - [Repealed]
- Section 36-8-7.5-14 - [Repealed]
- Section 36-8-7.5-14.1 - Members dying in line of duty after August 31, 1982
- Section 36-8-7.5-15 - Necessity of application; dismissed member of police department
- Section 36-8-7.5-16 - Reduction in monthly pension
- Section 36-8-7.5-17 - Payments to dependent children or mentally incompetent persons; benefits where member dies before payments are made; payments where member is entitled to part salary; reentry into active service
- Section 36-8-7.5-18 - Application for benefits other than for disability or voluntary retirement after 20 years
- Section 36-8-7.5-19 - Benefits exempted from legal process; reimbursement of employers; withholding payments while charges of criminal taking from employer pending
- Section 36-8-7.5-20 - Benefits paid contrary to law; recovery of pension
- Section 36-8-7.5-21 - Remuneration or allowances not to be used in computation of benefits
- Section 36-8-7.5-22 - Special lump sum death benefit in addition to other benefits
- Section 36-8-7.5-23 - Rollover to eligible retirement plan