Section 36-8-12.2-8 - General fund of unit; hazardous materials response fund(a) Money collected under this chapter must be deposited in one (1) of the following:(1) The general fund of the unit that established the fire department under IC 36-8-2-3 or IC 36-8-13-3(a)(1).(2) A hazardous materials response fund established under section 8.1 of this chapter by a city or town having a fire department established under IC 36-8-2-3.(b) Money collected under this chapter may be used only for the following: (1) Purchase of supplies and equipment used in providing hazardous materials emergency assistance under this chapter.(2) Training for members of the fire department in skills necessary for providing hazardous materials emergency assistance under this chapter.(3) Payment to persons with which the fire department contracts to provide services related to the hazardous materials emergency assistance provided by the fire department under this chapter.
IC 36-8-12.2-8
As added by P.L. 33-2001, SEC.3. Amended by P.L. 173-2003, SEC.37.