- Section 36-10-3-1 - Application of chapter
- Section 36-10-3-2 - Definitions
- Section 36-10-3-3 - Department of parks and recreation; creation; amendment or repeal of prior ordinances; authority to adopt ordinances
- Section 36-10-3-3.1 - Creation of county department; authority to adopt ordinance; alteration of board membership; amendment of ordinance
- Section 36-10-3-4 - Municipal parks and recreation board; members; appointing authorities
- Section 36-10-3-4.1 - Town board; waiver of requirements
- Section 36-10-3-4.2 - County board; membership
- Section 36-10-3-5 - Board of park and recreation; initial appointments; vacancy
- Section 36-10-3-6 - Board member; removal; procedure
- Section 36-10-3-7 - Board of park and recreation; advisory member
- Section 36-10-3-8 - Board of park and recreation; regular and special meetings; election of officers; quorum
- Section 36-10-3-9 - Board of park and recreation; compensation
- Section 36-10-3-10 - Board of park and recreation; duties
- Section 36-10-3-11 - Board of park and recreation; powers
- Section 36-10-3-11.5 - Legalization of operation of City of New Albany property by nonprofit corporation without a lease before July 1, 1995
- Section 36-10-3-12 - Board of park and recreation; public or private sale of personal property declared to be surplus
- Section 36-10-3-13 - Superintendent of parks and recreation; appointment; qualifications; incumbents
- Section 36-10-3-14 - Superintendent of parks and recreation; duties
- Section 36-10-3-15 - Assistant superintendent of parks and recreation; appointment; qualifications; duties
- Section 36-10-3-16 - Officers' and employees' bonds and crime policies
- Section 36-10-3-17 - Advisory council and special committees; composition; selection; duties; reports
- Section 36-10-3-18 - Gifts, donations, and subsidies; approval; disposition
- Section 36-10-3-19 - Special taxing district for purposes of levying special benefit taxes; determination of revenues necessary for expenditures not covered by issuance of bonds
- Section 36-10-3-20 - Special nonreverting capital fund; purposes; withdrawals
- Section 36-10-3-21 - Cumulative building fund; establishment; levy of tax; collection of tax
- Section 36-10-3-22 - Fees for particular activities; special funds; deposits; withdrawals
- Section 36-10-3-23 - Acquisition of real property; resolution; improvements; notice; option or contract; appraisal; hearing
- Section 36-10-3-24 - Bonds; purpose; denominations; interest exempt from taxation; limitations
- Section 36-10-3-25 - Bonds; notice; hearing; ordinance approving issue
- Section 36-10-3-26 - Bonds; disposition of proceeds
- Section 36-10-3-27 - Levy of special tax on real and personal property; park district bond fund
- Section 36-10-3-28 - Primary obligation on bond; transfer of powers, duties, liabilities, and other obligations on discontinuation or establishment of new board
- Section 36-10-3-29 - Joint department of parks and recreation; creation; eligibility; agreement; amendments
- Section 36-10-3-30 - Joint board of parks and recreation; organization and function; powers and duties; executive committee, membership, authority, and limitations
- Section 36-10-3-31 - Joint board of parks and recreation; budget request; disposition of money appropriated
- Section 36-10-3-32 - Joint board of parks and recreation; withdrawal of participating unit; termination; distribution of money remaining in fund; continuation of obligation
- Section 36-10-3-33 - Extension of service to unincorporated area; request; petition
- Section 36-10-3-34 - Extension of service to unincorporated area; public hearing; notice; approval or rejection; joint board
- Section 36-10-3-35 - Extension of service to unincorporated area; approval of petition and adoption of ordinance; election; notice; ballot; cost and expense of election
- Section 36-10-3-36 - Extension of service to unincorporated area; area to become part of district; appointment of member to board; application of chapter
- Section 36-10-3-37 - Extension of service to unincorporated area; property subject to levy; certification of rate; review; issuance of bond
- Section 36-10-3-38 - Application of section; annexed territory; levy for park and recreational purposes; semiannual transfers in certain circumstances
- Section 36-10-3-39 - Application of section; discharge of firearm or shooting of arrow with bow, Class B misdemeanor; hunting, firearm sport, or archery area
- Section 36-10-3-40 - Issuance of bonds payable from county innkeeper's tax
- Section 36-10-3-41 - Approval of bond issuance by county council; reduction of innkeeper's tax rate
- Section 36-10-3-42 - Hearing; appropriation of proceeds; sale
- Section 36-10-3-43 - Certification of debt service schedule; time for retirement of bonds
- Section 36-10-3-44 - Lease or contracts for performance of historical pageants and admissions and maintenance of facilities
- Section 36-10-3-45 - Sections not to be repealed during period of outstanding bonds