Section 36-10-13-7 - School corporations in certain counties; art association operations fund; appropriation for art association authorized; prerequisites for receipt of payments(a) This section applies to school corporations in a county containing any of the following cities:(1) A city having a population of more than one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) and less than six hundred thousand (600,000).(2) A city having a population of more than one hundred ten thousand (110,000) and less than one hundred fifty thousand (150,000).(3) A city having a population of more than sixty-nine thousand (69,000) and less than sixty-nine thousand five hundred (69,500).(4) A city having a population of more than one hundred thousand (100,000) and less than one hundred ten thousand (110,000).(5) A city having a population of more than seventy-five thousand (75,000) and less than seventy-nine thousand (79,000).(b) The governing body of the school corporation may annually appropriate money in the operations fund to be paid in semiannual installments to an art association having facilities in a city that is described in subsection (a), subject to subsection (c).(c) Before an art association may receive payments under this section, the association's governing board must adopt a resolution that entitles:(1) the governing body of the school corporation to appoint the school corporation's superintendent and director of art instruction as visitors who may attend all meetings of the association's governing board;(2) the governing body of the school corporation to nominate individuals for membership on the association's governing board, with at least two (2) of the nominees to be elected; (3) the school corporation to use the association's facilities and equipment for educational purposes consistent with the association's purposes;(4) the students and teachers of the school corporation to tour the association's museum and galleries free of charge;(5) the school corporation to borrow materials from the association for temporary exhibit in the schools;(6) the teachers of the school corporation to receive normal instruction in the fine and applied arts at half the regular rates charged by the association; and(7) the school corporation to expect exhibits in the association's museum that will supplement the work of the students and teachers of the corporation. A copy of the resolution, certified by the president and secretary of the association, must be filed in the office of the school corporation before payments may be received.
(d) A resolution filed under subsection (c) is not required to be renewed annually. The resolution continues in effect until rescinded. An art association that complies with this section is entitled to continue to receive payments under this section as long as the art association complies with the resolution.(e) If more than one (1) art association in a city that is described in subsection (a) qualifies to receive payments under this section, the governing body of the school corporation shall select the one (1) art association best qualified to perform the services described in subsection (c). A school corporation may select only one (1) art association to receive payments under this section.Pre-2005 Elementary and Secondary Education Recodification Citation: 20-5-17.5-3.
Amended by P.L. 104-2022,SEC. 225, eff. 4/1/2022.Amended by P.L. 244-2017,SEC. 132, eff. 1/1/2019.Amended by P.L. 119-2012, SEC. 245, eff. 4/1/2012.As added by P.L. 1-2005, SEC.48. Amended by P.L. 2-2006, SEC.196; P.L. 146-2008, SEC.799.