Section 35-48-1-9.3 - "Controlled substance analog"(a) "Controlled substance analog" means a substance that, due to its chemical structure and potential for abuse or misuse, meets the following criteria: (1) The substance is substantially similar to a controlled substance classified under IC 35-48-2.(2) The substance has a narcotic, stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogenic effect on the central nervous system or is represented or intended to have a narcotic, stimulant, depressant, or hallucinogenic effect on the central nervous system substantially similar to or greater than that of a controlled substance classified under IC 35-48-2.(b) The definition set forth in subsection (a) does not include: (1) a controlled substance;(3) a substance for which there is an approved new drug application;(4) any compound, mixture, or preparation that contains any controlled substance, that is not for administration to a human being or an animal, and that is packaged in a form or concentration, or with adulterants or denaturants, such that as packaged it does not present any significant potential for abuse; or(5) a substance to which an investigational exemption applies under Section 505 of the federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (chapter 675, 52 Stat. 1052 (21 U.S.C. 355)), but only to the extent that conduct with respect to the substance is pursuant to the exemption; or(6) low THC hemp extract.(c) For purposes of subsection (a), "substantially similar", as it applies to the chemical structure of a substance, means that the chemical structure of the substance, when compared to the structure of a controlled substance, has a single difference in the structural formula that substitutes one (1) atom or functional group for another, including:(1) one (1) halogen for another halogen;(2) one (1) hydrogen for a halogen;(3) one (1) halogen for a hydrogen; or(4) an alkyl group added or deleted:(A) as a side chain to or from a molecule; or(B) from a side chain of a molecule.Amended by P.L. 80-2019,SEC. 18, eff. 7/1/2019.Amended by P.L. 153-2018,SEC. 18, eff. 3/21/2018.As added by P.L. 225-2003, SEC.1.