Section 32-24-1-12 - Offer of settlement; acceptance; rejection(a) Not later than forty-five (45) days before a trial involving the issue of damages, the plaintiff shall, and a defendant may, file and serve on the other party an offer of settlement. Not more than five (5) days after the date offer of settlement is served, the party served may respond by filing and serving upon the other party an acceptance or a counter offer of settlement. The offer must state that it is made under this section and specify the amount, exclusive of interest and costs, that the party serving the offer is willing to accept as just compensation and damages for the property sought to be acquired. The offer or counter offer supersedes any other offer previously made under this chapter by the party.(b) An offer of settlement is considered rejected unless an acceptance in writing is filed and served on the party making the offer before the trial on the issue of the amount of damages begins.(c) If the offer is rejected, it may not be referred to for any purpose at the trial but may be considered solely for the purpose of awarding costs and litigation expenses under section 14 of this chapter.(d) This section does not limit or restrict the right of a defendant to payment of any amounts authorized by law in addition to damages for the property taken from the defendant.(e) This section does not apply to an action brought under IC 8-1-13-19(repealed).Pre-2002 Recodification Citation: 32-11-1-8.1.
As added by P.L. 2-2002, SEC.9. Amended by P.L. 163-2006, SEC.11.